Discussion Leader – A Rotarian who has completed the Rotary Leadership Institute Discussion Leader Training Class, or the International Assembly Discussion Leader Training Class.
Rotary Leadership Institute Discussion Leader – A Rotarian who has graduated from the Rotary Leadership Institute, and its Discussion Leader Training session or the International Assembly Discussion Leader Training class.
Rotary Leadership Institute Faculty – A Rotarian who is a Rotary Leadership Institute Discussion Leader and has, with satisfactory evaluations, participated in a minimum of three one-day Rotary Leadership Institutes (RLIs), two being outside of their home district, within a twelve month period, or has the equivalent experience as approved by the Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division Faculty and Executive Committees.
Rotary Leadership Institute Discussion Leader – To remain an active RLI Discussion leader, one must serve a minimum of two RLIs within a twelve month period, one being out of their home district. A recertification workshop will be counted the same as one in-district RLI.
Rotary Leadership Institute Faculty Member – To remain an active RLI Faculty member, one must serve, within a twelve month period, a minimum of three RLIs, one being outside of their home district, and a minimum of one Faculty Workshop every two years, or have equivalent additional experience factors as approved by the Faculty and Executive Committees.
Faculty Workshops – These are special workshops designed to expand the knowledge and skills of the RLI Faculty and will be held in various times and locations within the Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division service area.
Additional Experience Factors – In order to encourage RLI Discussion Leaders and Faculty members to serve in other Rotary capacities, the RLI Sunshine Division will, on occasion, subject to approval by the Faculty and Executive Committees, approve Service above Self activities in lieu of the experience and/or workshops upon application by the Rotarian. Some suggested activities would include: Florida PETS Discussion Leader; Georgia PETS Discussion Leader; Member District PETS Discussion Leaders; Out-of-District Seminar Discussion Leaders (such as TRF or Membership;) Rotary Institute Discussion Leaders; President’s Representative to a District Conference; other Rotary International Presidential Assignments.
Some suggested activities that would substitute for the Faculty Workshop would be: International Assembly Discussion Leader; PETS or Zone Discussion Leader Trainers or Coordinators, or other equivalent services. When serving as a District Governor or RI Director, the Rotarian who is a Rotary Leadership Institute Discussion Leader or Faculty member will automatically receive equivalent experience credit for the term of service except that they will be expected to facilitate in at least one Rotary Leadership Institute, or equivalent, in or out of their home district, during their term of service.